No better way to learn, than to just do it. Learning can be a struggle, and learning a second language for most people takes a lot of practice, practice, and more practice, like anything we wish to succeed in, need to learn, or challenges we come to face, it is scary yet exciting when accomplished. Chilcotin Holidays ESL programs are unique to the wilderness location and community on the guest ranch. This is where ESL programs become more than classroom learning, this is engaging in life circumstances through practical use. Throughout everyday activities, on and off the ranch, English becomes easier over time. With their pre-planned learning structures and the constant inclusion of verbal conversation, and actions, there is opportunity in every corner. The more you do the better you will become, and being in a community where everyone is helping one another succeed, is a great place to understand the complicated English language. Chilcotin Holidays takes the teaching of an ESL program to new depths of interpersonal experiences; teaching with patience and understanding, and gentle guidance to help with succeeding at the many challenges faced.
Chilcotin Holidays is a safe place to learn self-confidence, self-awareness, patience, and about the deeper connections to what’s around you, within you and within nature’s wilderness, something everyone should experience and feel good about in life’s long journey. The ESL program is an opportunity to engage with others while reaching your goals, and having support to help make this ESL program truly unforgettable.
Chilcotin Holidays biggest aspect for learning is the social activities with the unique ranching family from all over the world, who work very hard in helping those who ask for it, teaching those who want to be taught, and developing leadership, motivational, and habitual skills needed in life, and succeeding throughout the many wilderness industries and general employment. English is not an easy thing to learn and become good at, as the complexities of the many similar sounding words, all with different meanings, can muddle the brain and cause the experiences of learning English as a second language, to become negative at times, but here, even if you are struggling to make headway, the people around you will be your mentors.
Along with learning English from the ESL Programs, the ranch offers countless kinds of added skills by taking part and helping out with the daily operations of running the ranch. There is opportunity for learning about horses and riding, about different ranch sports and being a cowboy, there is also the many activities held by the ranch, that you can take part in. For instance, hiking, fishing, wildlife viewing which is a major part of Chilcotin Holidays; there is something exciting for spring, summer, fall and winter specific activities, as well as enrolling in the guide schools if you so choose. Whatever you find yourself doing, the experiences, lessons and self-confidence you will gain, has unlimited possibilities for succeeding within the ranch and wilderness industries, or wherever you are venturing.